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Tabla de quesos aceitunas vermú

Any excuse is a good excuse to make a cheese board at home! I absolutely love them, so whether it’s because I’ve bought some new cheese or, as in this case, because I discovered a new product in the supermarket, you’ll see me frequently posting about cheese boards. On this occasion, I found this product at Gadis Supermercados that I’d never heard about before, vermouth-filled olives. Yes, you heard that right.

I was obviously intrigued and decided I wanted to try them. The thought of a cheese board totally seduced me, so also bought some cheese and some fruit, dehydrated apricots, pickles, mini toasts and hazelnuts. As you can imagine, all this disappeared very quickly after I took the photographs.


How to make a cheese board?

The truth is that there is no secret to it, but I wanted to share with you what I usually do when I entertain guests at home, because I think it’s an excellent appetizer, before you bring out the main course.  

I am a firm believer that any self-respecting cheese board must include French and Italian cheese. If it’s creamy cheese that you can spread easily, even better, because then you have the perfect excuse to have some mini toasts or crackers on the board.

I like to include things like pickles and olives, because I think they are indispensable. They bring color and taste to the board. And of course always include fresh fruit, like strawberries and grapes, and nuts (today I felt like having hazelnuts).

How about you? What do you include in your cheese boards? Is there an ingredient that is absolutely essential for you?



Another idea for an appetizer here.



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