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Spring has already arrived but it seems it does not want to stay. After a wonderful and sunny weekend, Monday started with a grey sky from which drops just kept falling. It is exactly during these days when it feels like having a comfort food.

Today it has not stop hailing so I have decided it was time to get my hands dirty! Furthermore, I had some sweet peas from last weekend’s farmers’ market so it seems like a great opportunity to prepare a soup with them.



1 kg fresh sweet peas (7 cups)

2 tbsp unsalted butter

1 litre homemade vegetable broth (4 cups)

75 gr parmigiano reggiano (3/4 cups)

1 small onion, leek or chive



First of all, start preparing the broth. This is kind of personal and you can add whatever you prefer. For two litres of water (8 cups) I placed a big tomato, four pieces of celery and one big leek. Then cut them in small pieces and collocate the vegetables in a pot with 1tbsp of butter. Fry gently for a few minutes while removing and add two litres of cold water. Put some salt and bring to a simmer for an hour. When the broth is ready, remove the vegetables and set aside.

Now, in another pot, place the onion/chive/leek cut it in small pieces and fry gently with olive oil. After a couple of minutes, place the sweet peas and continue frying for another minute. Then, add 800 ml of vegetable broth and cook during 20-25 minutes. If you need more water, you can add gradually some of the remaining broth.

When the sweet peas are tender you can remove the pot from the stove and add the already grated cheese. Combine well and…

Buon appetito!


Photo & Styling: Carlota Fariña

Instragram: #carlotafariñafoodgram




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